Friday, May 22, 2020

The Entertainer - Day 1

Thursday, May 21st


I've started and stopped writing entries for this site countless times. It's time to just work the digits and the camera on a daily basis. The goal of this blog at its genesis was to provide me with a digital exhale and perhaps to inspire one or more people to do the same. And I've gotten up into my head far too often. The roller coaster effect is certainly something I don't wish on anyone, and I know it makes things difficult for those in my sphere.

And that's the point here. In short, this blog was created to celebrate the little wins of the day. We all have them. We just need to pause and make sure to recognize them. My hope is that we'll be able to share them here (with some prompts from news sources).

During my radio show, I'm able to wax poetic on the good, bad and ugly in sports and pop culture. We cover the headlines and, unfortunately, some of the difficult stories impacting our personal lives and the sporting world. Obviously, there have been plenty of dire headlines during the pandemic, but countless acts of good to celebrate. And we find our share of laughs. There's no question about it.

I count my radio team and our listener base across 420+ domestic markets and the global digital reach as part of my "extended mutant family." It's a term of endearment and my hope is to reach each person and make them laugh, feel or think -- but as if it were an individual contact. That's a daily win, a world I can control.


Music subscriptions are bringing back the glory of the shared record, cassette and CD collections. Grab an artist and let the randomizer fly.

Today, I got deep down a Billy Joel rabbit hole and got enamored with the synthesizer opening of "The Entertainer." It's funny how things hit your ear.

I was in the multi-tasking high time of the day when the first note hit. I had lunch working on the stove, a video project mid-edit and multiple tabs opened to read stories for the Thursday night radio show. And I stopped.

"I am the entertainer
And I know just where I stand
Another serenader
And another long haired band
Today I am your champion
I may have won your hearts
But I know the game, you'll forget my name
And I won't be here in another year
If I don't stay on the charts."

I listened to the track, smiled, and replayed it. And then I exhaled. 

Remember, you're always on somebody's chart. Let's keep going. 

We'll see what the Devil's Jukebox brings tomorrow. 

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