Tuesday, September 7, 2021

LIVE - How do you pronounce it?

If you read a past post or listened to five minutes of my radio world, you know that Wordsmithing is one of my favorite pastimes. The English language is maddening with synonyms and multiple meanings to words (not unique to English, but you get the point), so there’s a sizable playground at hand. 

I’ve referenced Colin Hay in past entries in this space. Big fan of his storytelling and rich lyrics, to be sure. I recall a Men at Work classic as I ponder yesterday’s outing. “People just love to play with words.”

The word of the day is —- LIVE

In context, you know how it’s being used and how to pronounce it. However, I think both in stand-alone should become part of your everyday mantras. Stick with me a second.


Live - “Show me how to live!” - Soundgarden lyrics. 

Live - “You are looking LIVE!” - classic Brent Musberger intro to calling a sporting event and setting the scene. 

Living -  Actions, words, interactions with others, and processing day-to-day events and activities and the emotional responses. Getting out and about and experiencing people, places and things. 

Live - Being in the moment, that sensation that accompanies stimuli and loud noises (well, in my business, anyway), power chords, choruses, ensembles and front men/women. That feeling that resonates in your soul - singalongs or a big bass line (see the previous entry on “It’s So Easy”). 

We got out on Sunday night and watched Hamilton, a return to LIVE theater in Hollywood. It was like seeing it again for the first time, the electricity flowing through the audience and that response to the opening number and specific phrases and songs. Full nerd out —- Peggy Schuyler, Hercules Mulligan, Thomas Jefferson and King George are family favorites, and subtle turns of phrase and gestures b added levity and texture. 

Thanks to Taylor Iman Jones, Wallace Smith, Simon Longnight and Rory O’Malley and the rest of the cast. I could 

And here’s Men at Work —- sing along: